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Return Policy

Your satisfaction is our only goal. Please read our full policy carefully prior to requesting a return authorization number (RAN).

Return Request Timeline

Notify us within 14 days from the delivery date for returns or exchanges. After this period, no returns will be authorized.

Conditions for Returns

All returned items must be unused and include all original packaging and contents. We recommend trying footwear on carpet to avoid sole damage. Non-compliant returns will be rejected.

Eligibility for Returns

Custom made and made-to-order products are generally non-returnable. Check product pages for specific return options.

Restocking Fees

There are no restocking fees on returns or exchanges. 

Return Shipping Options

For a flat rate of $20, you can use our return label for shipments within the USA. This service is not available internationally or on all items.


If eligible, you may request a one-time exchange per order, which becomes final sale upon processing.

Return Authorization

Start the return process by uploading clear pictures of the product to expedite approval.

Start Your Return

Contact Us

Phone: +800-875-7992


Chat with us by clicking the logo on the bottom right corner.

Hours: 10 a.m. - 11 p.m., Monday - Sunday